The characteristics of secure online casino sites are (thankfully) easily traceable and recognizable. All Italian legal online casinos with license show the Agency logo either in the topmost bar on the individual pages or in the lower part or in both areas. If the platform you have chosen is legal, you can find it on the list of the official website, in the “Games” section under the heading “Monopoly”.
What are the payment methods in secure casinos?
Secure judi poker online casinos accept multiple forms of payment to allow you to deposit and withdraw your money. Each room has its own rules and specific restrictions, by becoming experts in the sector, you will find online casino gaming sites that only allow certain credit cards to withdraw winnings and others that accept them all; you will discover platforms that do not allow payments by wire transfer and others that recommend this mode.
Depending on your needs, you can select the payment you prefer, always after ensuring that the site on which you make the transactions is legal. This will be the only way to track the flow of incoming and outgoing money associated with your account (and, consequently, your documents) and to ensure that no one other than you can illegally take over your gaming account or your identity. This is possible because only casinos keep track of the games, record them with a single-use code and uniquely linked to you.
Is my data safe if I play in an online casino?
The answer is: “Absolutely yes!” In these casinos your privacy is 100% protected: no one can access your sensitive data without first giving your consent.
Moreover, precisely in favor and demonstration of the fact that only the casinos are concerned about the absolute regularity of the games, only in these sites are used very sophisticated programs built in order to prohibit gambling for minors, as required by the Italian law. An interesting thing to know is that thanks to the tax code ADM is able to verify the age and other personal data of the players so that they can be out of any danger of fraud.
In what other ways do casino sites protect players?
Only secure online casinos provide players on their platforms with a 24-hour customer service. It is either a telephone service or chat support, provided by experienced operators, ready to deal with any problems they can occur in these cases, from the technical drawbacks to the hypothetical support, for example, on the timing and method of issuing the payments of the victories.
To protect yourself on every aspect, while you make your bets, the online casinos use a sophisticated cryptographic software that acts thanks to complex payment management functions, able to guarantee you always the certainty that nothing strange can happen to the your account. Furthermore, the Customs and Monopoly Agency carries out continuous checks on the safety and efficiency of the games.
Are there secure online casinos with no deposit bonuses?
Contrary to what happens in illegal and unauthorized casino rooms, in online casinos you will be offered periodic promotions as realistic as they are interesting. Beware, in fact, of those non-online casinos that promise you thousands of euros in the blink of an eye (and do it even faster if you don’t find the logo on their pages); rather, be interested in those detailed and always up-to-date promotions.